vineri, 15 iulie 2011

The Winter Wellness Diet - 5

Now that you have a little more information than the average person about why these
other diets don’t work, let me finish the reason why the WWD can work for you. When
the weather cools down in the fall and gets cold in the winter our biological need to stay
warm kicks in. If the Inuit need 6000 calories a day just to stay warm and stay alive,
then you and I living with relative modern comforts can use that knowledge to our
advantage. Like I said, the only way to get 6000 calories is to eat a lot of fat because it
has twice the amount of calories of protein or carbs.
So here is how the WWD works: We are going to cut your fat intake drastically this fall
and winter. We are going to go on a diet that is high in the nutrients your body needs,
vitamins, minerals, carbs, protein and cut your fat intake down to only supplying your
basic need. When it gets cold your body kicks in that natural instinct to burn more
calories. To stay warm it will start accessing those fat stores and melt them away!
There is only one way to gain weight: you consume more calories than your body uses.
There is only one way to lose weight: you consume less calories than your body needs.
This winter we are going to consume more nutrients (but less calories) than your body
has ever gotten before while letting that metabolism fire up and burn off all those extra
pounds of fat.
Your body need nutrients to survive and thrive, not calories. Unfortunately the modern
climate of large food companies and supplement companies all trying to sell more
product have been able to infiltrate our government systems and influence policies. The
modern food pyramid is a load of crap. The modern recommendations for percentages
are crap. 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. Folks, we need to put back on our
“common sense” hat and stop blindly following the advice of the people that want to sell
us stuff.
That’s what this diet is all about, common sense thinking outside the box for the
healthiest you yet. I will break down the details of the essential nutrients we need for
our bodies to be healthy and start to drop weight in just a little bit. Keep reading.

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