vineri, 22 iulie 2011

The Winter Wellness Diet - 13

It seems obvious right? If you eat healthy you can lose weight, so adding a calorie
burning exercise routine would be even more beneficial. Here are the specifics as to
why. If you take my word for it, that may motivate you for a second, but if you truly
understand what’s happening internally while you are implementing these changes,
you’re more likely to stick with it. Knowing why is just as important as knowing what to
Remember how toxins are stored in fat? Taking in more nutrients will help you cut the
fat as we just covered. Exercise naturally boosts your metabolism and increases
circulation. Provided you are drinking enough water and taking in enough electrolytes,
the toxins that are released when your fat stores are mobilized for energy can be quickly
and efficiently flushed out. In addition, with exercise your body will detox anyway (with
or without nutrients).
Fat stores are buffers for those toxins, but when your body gets rid of them, it also
doesn’t need that extra fat anymore. In other words, if part of excess fat’s purpose is to
store toxins, and all of a sudden the toxins are gone, the fat is out of a job and gets
fired. Kind of like the classic “Office Space” line, “What would you say....ya do here?” If
you give your body the opportunity, obsolete fat will melt away. With the WWD we are
trying to give you all of the ideal anti-fat, anti-toxin situations that we can (high nutrients,
exercise and coldest part of the year) for the fastest way to get healthy and lean!

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