vineri, 22 iulie 2011

The Winter Wellness Diet - 12

I know, I know. You want to exercise too of course. But let’s slow down for a second so
we can speed up later. Part of my job writing this book is to convince you beyond doubt
that eating healthier by making better choices is the #1 thing you can do for your health
and weight long term. We dig our graves with our teeth. In other words, aside from the
unpredictability of life, the food that we put into our mouths is the biggest determining
factor in how long and how energetically we live!
So here is how it works if you need to lose some weight. Think of it like this: you have 2
different bodies. You have YOUR body, and then you have this “other” body which is
fat. Fat is a living, breathing organism too. It needs calories to live just like you. It
needs you to feed it, however, you don’t need it. It’s like you two are handcuffed
together and all you want to do is find the key to break free. Well here is the key and it’s
very simple, STOP FEEDING YOUR FAT. Yep, it’s that simple. From here on out with
the WWD we are going to feed you and starve your fat.
Your body (muscles, organs, bones, brain) needs nutrients to operate efficiently and
keep you healthy and energized. So we are going to feed your body and stop feeding
your fat. This is a new mindset for you to consider throughout your day now. Every
time you pick up food to put it in your mouth ask yourself the question, “Am I feeding me
or my fat right now?” You and your fat run on different sources of fuel. You need high
quality raw fruits, veggies, protein, carbs, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and a
small amount of healthy fats. Your fat runs on unhealthy fats, refined sugars and
processed foods. As you reach for that snack do you grab the carrots and broccoli to
feed your body or do you grab the pretzels, chips or candy bars to feed your fat? Your
fat will get hungry, it will encourage you to pick up that soda, but what will you do?
Food is addicting just like cigarettes, just like cocaine. It is going to take a little will
power in the beginning to resist the temptation of the old habits. You’ll have the angel
on one shoulder whispering in your ear and you’ll have the devil on the other tempting
you too. The healthy life is like a snowball rolling down hill though, once you get on a
roll, start feeding your body what it truly wants, detoxifying and losing weight you’ll never
want to go back to the lifestyle you lived before. This is true for the “skinny” people who
simply aren’t truly healthy inside also. As Tony Robbins used to tell me when I listened
to his tapes, “Nothing tastes as good as fit and healthy feels!” When I was in the car
hearing this, it sounded good, but not believable. Once you try this lifestyle out, you’ll
have that AHA! moment when you take a bite of that freshly made salad and experience
for the first time the true taste of those vegetables! That is a truly amazing feeling and a
day you won’t forget.
When you focus on feeding your body the nutrient-dense calories that it wants and
needs, you begin the eviction process. When your body starts to trust you again, and
get comfortable with this new influx of quality food it will turn up your metabolism. A
higher metabolism will mean that your fat stores will be utilized as energy for your body.
Couple that with the cold chill of winter and picture a stick of butter on a plate in the
microwave. Your body fat is that stick of butter, and with each passing day it just starts
melting away. To keep you warm your body will be mobilizing those fat stores, lining
them up like cattle into the slaughterhouse and melting it away never to be seen or
heard from again.
This is how you can get healthy and lose weight without exercising. Feed your body
what it wants and needs, ignore the requests of your fat, and begin the detoxification
process. Remember, a lot of the toxins are stored in your fat. When your body starts to
utilize those fat stores and melt them away, the toxins will enter your blood. Your goal is
to get them OUT as quickly as possible. Drinking lots of water, teas and eating blood
cleansing and liver strengthening foods will give you the upper hand on eliminating
these toxins.

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