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joi, 14 iulie 2011
The Winter Wellness Diet - 1
The Winter Wellness Diet: How to use the cold to fire up your metabolism and melt the
fat away!
What are the first 3 letters of diet? D-I-E! Yep, because generally when people go on
diets, the structure of it all is too much to handle for any significant amount of time.
Hence, you’d rather die than stay on the diet any longer. It would be naive to think that
some people don’t succeed with dieting to lose weight or get healthy, but generally
those people are ones who change their lives during the dieting period. No diet will ever
work if you go back to eating, exercising and living life the exact same as you did before
you started torturing yourself.
The Winter Wellness Diet will help you lose weight, it will help you get healthier, BUT it
is a lifestyle change as much as anything else. Other fad diets that I’m sure you’ve
heard of are designed to be money makers. Just because a “doctor” came up with the
diet or endorses it doesn’t mean it’s healthy. There are big bucks in creating a brand
name, a logo and then licensing that to companies to put on their products. In addition,
writing a “best selling” book is pretty profitable for these people as well.
I’m not trying to get this published (unless you know anybody who wants to pay me). I
just want to share good health and nutrition principles with anyone who wants to live a
healthier, leaner life that tastes good and feels good. You’ll never see a “Winter
Wellness Approved” logo on a food package. Why? Because, you literally have access
to pretty much any piece of fresh fruit or vegetable you can get your hands on. Buying
food in a package that has been shipped thousands of miles to get to your grocer is
probably the first thing you’ll stop doing, not the first thing you’ll start looking for.
So take a journey with me the next few months and see how good it can feel to lose
weight, have more energy, detoxify your body and never get sick again!
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